Ghan - Ghanvati
Churna - Kwath Churn..
Ayurveda, an ancient holistic healing system, has been gaining popularity in recent times. Ayur..
Lauh - Mandoor
Ayurvedic lauh and mandoor are powerful Ayurvedic medicines known for promoting healthy blood c..
Bhasma - Pishti
At Gayatri Pharmaceuticals Online Store, we understand the importance of quality in Ayurvedic m..
Pak - Avaleha
Pak Avaleha" is a traditional Ayurvedic formulation commonly used in India and other parts..
Ras - Rasayan
Ayurveda is a time-tested ancient Indian medicinal practice that focuses on the natural healing..
Vati - Gutika
At Gayatri Pharmaceuticals, we pride ourselves in offering premium quality Ayurvedic products t..